Dr. Berthold Kuhn Research and Consulting
Dr. Berthold Kuhn                                                 Research and Consulting  

Teaching at Freie Universität & UNA Europa 2022/2023

Global Perspectives on Megatrends and the Role of Think Tanks in international cooperation, Master Course, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences, OSI


Teaching at Freie Universität Berlin & UNA Europa, summer term 2022

Global Perspectives on Sustainability Transitions", hybrid course (online & on campus sessions) taught at FU Berlin/UC Madrid in cooperation with Prof. Asun Lopez, Summer 2022. The course involved the simulation game "Global Solutions" which was conducted on the campus of FU Berlin in July 2022 in cooperation with PlanPolitik, using funds from Berthold's teaching award.

The relevance of the SDG agenda for academics and practitioners, Eurasia Foundation lecture

Teaching at Zhejiang University, Global Engagement Programm, spring term 2022

International Organisations and Global Governance", online  course taught at Zhejiang University, HangZhou, China in my capacity as Visiting Professor. 

Teaching at Freie Universität Berlin, Fall/Winter 2021/2022

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Teaching at Freie Universität Berlin, Fall/Winter 2020/2021

Global megatrends and international cooperation


Wednesday, 16 to 18 hours, FU Berlin, OSI, participation is limited and subject to prioir registration via FU Berlin/OSI; classroom and digital teaching, start: Nov 4, 2020

Teaching at Freie Universität Berlin in spring/summer 2020

Transdisciplary Bachelor Course Spring/Summer 2020:

Nachhaltigkeit kommunizieren: Klimapolitik von Großstädten in international vergleichender Perspektive

(Lehrkonzept an den Gesamtlehrpreis der FU Berlin gewonnen)

Teaching at Freie Universität Berlin Fall/Winter 2019/2020

Teaching a course on "Climate Policies in Comparative Perspective" at Otto Suhr Institute of Freie Universität Berlin, Fall/Winter 2019/2020 (in English)


Teaching a course on Nachhaltigkeit kommunizieren, Fokus Internationale Zusammenarbeit, ABV Bereich, Stabstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Energie, Freie Universität Berlin, Hernst/Winter 2019/2020 (in German)



Teaching Philosophy
06 Kuhn Teaching Philosophy.docx
Microsoft Word-Dokument [48.4 KB]

My teaching experience covers Master and Bachelor level courses and executive training courses for diplomats, government officials and project managers in English and German on a wide range of political science/political sociology topics with focus on international and development cooperation, sustainable development policies in comparative perspective, China in the global context, collaborative governance and civil society in theory and practice.

I taught at:

  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • Universität Leipzig
  • Universität Bremen in Germany
  • Academy for International Cooperation, GIZ (Germany)
  • Leiden University (Netherlands)
  • Rouen Business School (France)
  • Tsinghua University (Beijing)
  • Peking University
  • Beihang University (Beijing)
  • Sichuan University (Chengdu)
  • Xiamen University (China)
  • Tongji University (Shanghai)
  • Viddhy Bawan Institute, Udaipur (India)
  • Zhejiang Unioversity, Hangzhou

Freie Universität Berlin, Winter Term 2017-2018

Zukunft der Entwicklungspolitik: Seminarplan
KuhnBM 15 375 EZ IZ Master OSI Seminarpl[...]
Microsoft Word-Dokument [381.7 KB]
Zukunft der Entwicklungspolitik Präsentation 1. Sitzung
KuhnBM 1 Sitzung 1.pdf
PDF-Dokument [524.0 KB]

Freie Universität Berlin, Winter Term 2016-2017

Global Discourses and Practices of Sustainable Development
Freie Universität Berlin, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences
Master Course
Winter Term 2016/2017, Number: 15375
KuhnBM Course Reader.docx
Microsoft Word-Dokument [55.5 KB]

Winter School on Democratic Governance, Integrating Theory and Practice, November 9 – 13, 2015 Freiburg, Germany


Civil society in international cooperation: exploring opportunities, understanding risks.

by Berthold Kuhn*


This session of the Winter School on Democratic Governance will discuss the concept of civil society from different theoretical and practical perspectives and ascertain its relevance for international and development cooperation in different political and cultural contexts. We shall critically revisit some of the promises related to the promotion of civil society and its involvement in governance processes by looking at the resource bases of various types of organisation and their strategies to engage with citizens, local and national government and donor agencies. We will identify driving factors of different resource mobilisation opportunities and strategies of civil society organisations (state-dependency, international and/or donor dependency, voluntary dependency) and analyse lessons learnt from good (and not so good) practices in development cooperation. The purpose of the session is to jointly develop an understanding of the opportunities, risks and strategies of engaging with and promoting civil society organisations at different levels in international cooperation.


Teaching at Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin

Wintersemester 2015/2016

15370 Seminar (Master level)

Internationale Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklungspolitik in Theorie und Praxis

Berthold Kuhn


Die Veranstaltung behandelt Theorien, Akteure und Projekte der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und der Entwicklungspolitik.Im ersten Teil wird zunächst ein begriffliches und konzeptionelles Verständnis von internationaler Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklungspolitik diskutiert, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Konzept der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Anschließend werden verschiedene staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteure und ihre Mandate und Handlungsmotive behandelt. Im dritten Teil der Veranstaltung sollen Einblicke in Programme und Projekte der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklungspolitik erfolgen.



KuhnBM WE 1.pdf
PDF-Dokument [460.0 KB]
KuhnBM Entwicklungstheorien
KuhnBM Development Theory.pdf
PDF-Dokument [171.4 KB]
Studie Sustainable Development Goals
PDF-Dokument [4.3 MB]

Teaching at Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China


Climate Protection Policies and Governance


Policy-making in the field of climate protection has taken-off in China. The process of policy-making – from agenda setting to policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation – is of comprehensive nature and involves a series of stakeholders. The course introduces command-and-control, market-based and other mechanisms to promote climate protection and low-carbon-development development. It analyses enabling and disabling factors for collaboration and partnerships between state, market and civil society actors. The course draws on experience of different countries and regions, e.g. the German Energiewende (Energy Shift Policy) and Emission Trading Schemes in Europe. There is ample evidence of reform-oriented policies and projects in many countries, including China. Yet, it is challenging to achieve a high level of compliance, coherence, cooperation and implementation across sectors and regions. Students will be involved in innovative teaching methods, including simulation games, and encouraged to present group work. The course will be taught in English. The course will be carried out as a one-week intensive course 30 June - 4 July 2014.

SoSe 2014

Politische Themen und Akteure in der V.R. China in globaler Perspektive

Seminar 15 376, Master level

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Monday 18-20h


Der Kurs behandelt einflussreiche, engagierte und innovative politische und soziale Akteure in Staat und Gesellschaft in China, darunter auch Medien und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen. Die politischen Ziele, Maßnahmen und Reformen sowie die drängenden Probleme Chinas sollen in Referaten, Gruppenarbeit und Diskussionen aus globaler Perspektive analysiert werden, d.h. auf die Anforderungen globaler Problemlösungen, good practices und transnationaler und regionaler Governance Erfordernisse bezogen werden. Ein Schwerpunkt wird auf dem Bereich der Umwelt- und Klimapolitik liegen. China wird in der Klimapolitik einerseits als hardliner bei internationalen Verhandlungen wahrgenommen. Andererseits werden auf der nationalen und subnationalen Ebene ehrgeizige Klimaschutzziele und zahlreiche Modellprojekte verfolgt. Das Thema Menschenrechte soll ebenfalls eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Dazu sind u.a. Gastvorträge vorgesehen.

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New publication in the Journal Development in Practice in 12/2024, see Research


9th Global Think Tank Innovation Forum organised by the Center for China and Globalization, Beijing: Participant in the Round Table on "UN SDGs Agenda 2030 and Human Rights Development" and "Middle East Roundtable", Dec. 4-5, 2024


Round Table at the Consulate General of Germany in Shanghai on Perspectives of Academic Cooperation with China, Dec. 2, 2024. 


2nd Asia Philanthropy Forum in Haikou.

Key note speech on "Role of NGOs in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" , Nov. 27-29, 2024. Participation in several forums.


Conference on Ecological Civilization at Peking University, Speaker on Ecological Civilisation and SDGs.

Oct. 18 to 20, 2024


Governance of Cultural Heritage, Key note speaker at international conference on the Grand Canal in HangZhou, organised by ZISU, Sept. 19/20, 2024. 


Megatrends Briefing 2024 with focus on China and India.

Our collaborative report involving analysts and researchers from different world regions is out, see Megatrends Briefing 2024. 


FOCUS publications on Vice-Chancellor Habeck's visit to China, June 22, 2024


and on Chancellor Scholz' visit to China, April 15, 2024



Workshop on Future(s) Literacy and Global Megatrends, Tongji University, Shanghai, May 10, 2024


Evaluator, European Research Executive Agency, March -June 2024.


Speaker at Asia Philanthropy Forum, Hainan, Nov. 15-17, 2023 


Speaker at 20th Beijing Forum, Peking University, Nov. 2-5, 2023





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